Sunday, August 16, 2015

Another interesting read (food allergies or food intolerance).....

Food allergies ? or food intolerance ?

What's the difference ? Nicely explained in the above link, along with a lot of the bullshit that surrounds such issues.

And yes, I do have a friend who is a coeliac so have a vague understanding of it. Like-wise, I have a couple of friends who're type 1 diabetics and understand about the insulin and sugar thing (of course, there's lots about these kind of conditions that I don't know or understand - just that I have enough knowledge to make sure that I don't give them anything that might be an issue to them).....

The article explains a lot of stuff, including why a lot of this is complete bollocks. Not in the sense that these conditions aren't real, but about how many people have/suffer from them.

If they took the appropriate/proper route to find out, then the medical experts would tell them to fuck off, like the thick hypochondriac fools that they are........

The thing that the article alludes to that makes me wonder, is that if we, as a species, have been consuming such foods for millennia,  then apart from those who do have a properly diagnosed form of say coeliac disease or maybe peanut allergy etc, why is it that so many people claim to have such issues ? apart from them having an increased level of gullibility to advertising ?

Hey ho!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Another interesting article.........

What can you derive from that ?

IMO, not only are the "normal" food nazis trying to get us to eat shit, as long as there's a good mark up, but the health food nazis are just as bad.

Personally, I'd happily be the person behind the firing squad machine gun for any of these fuckers found to be lying....... You'd only need to do a couple and bingo, they'd stop all that shit...........